Now, these look like good albums...
I got this from I Am Fuel, You Are Friends. They are hilarious!
For Julie's 16th birthday, it looks like 'ole Dad is finally gonna pop the question.
Aaah, just another picture of my typical Friday night.
Cody, you can borrow a feelin' from me. It's that kind of heeby-jeeby feelin' that your lazy eye gives me. Or maybe it's your moustache. One of the two.
Aww, only 50 cents for Joyce? Heck, I'd pay, like 60, 65.
Now, ventriloquism is always a logical connection to environmentalism, because Trees Talk Too. What?
Thank God Ken is by request only.
Because nothing says, 'sexy' like the word pooh in your name.

"For the first time: Tino." Good God, Tino, please point those shorts in another direction. Gracias.
Devastatin' Dave is a turntable slave. What else can I say?
Do they have an actual midget in their crusade?
Satan is real, and apparently he lives in your barbeque. If that's not enough to keep you on the straight and narrow, I don't know what is.
Now these guys look like they know how to have a good time.Am I right or am I right or am I right? Right?
And that's just unfortunate.
Awesome stuff!
When I was running my school's radio station we had a Record Wall of Fame where only the 'best' covers were included... these ones would've been right at home!!
Where the hell did you find those???
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