Kick ass weekend!

WARNING!!! I use the word 'ass' a lot in this post.
So obviously, I had a kick ass weekend, what was so kick ass about it you make ask, well:
Kick ass haircut - Dana cut my hair for me on Friday night (fanks Dana!), now my hair doesn't suck anymore.
Ass kicking - I kicked Kelsi, Tish, and Aaron's asses at Buzz. I love that game, I kick ass at that game, it's almost too easy. I guess that is what you get from listening to a lot of different kinds of musics, reading trashy magazines and my ability for holding an amazing amount of useless trivia that I will never need (except playing Buzz)
Kick ass movies - I went to see 'Take The Lead' on Saturday night with my friend Abby and her mum. Kick ass movie! Love the dancing! Totally recommend it! Now I wanna take up ballroom dancing and hip hop (plus find a cute boy to dance the tango with :-P)
Kick ass bass playing - Worship rocked on Sunday morning, I had so much fun. Matt was drumming and he just goes hard (shot Matt!) so I go hard too. It was the first time I've ever not screwed up 'Indescribable' (at practise not during worship but it was alright).
Yeah that's about it. Kick ass!
Music: A Perfect Circle - 3 Libra's (Album: A Perfect Circle - Mer De Noms)
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