Friday, August 28, 2009

How is the exercise going now?

Wow, it has been over a month since I last posted, so much for blogging once a week.

It is 7:17pm on a Friday evening, I am sitting in bed on my laptop eating cereal for dinner which is a little sad but mostly I am TIRED!!! So the exercise is going well.

The football season finished a fortnight ago, Caversham came dead last (unfortunately). We had the team break up last weekend and I got a certificate! For my dedicated and enthusiastic support (Go Cavy, you're so savy!!!). I think it is my first sporting award ever! Last Sunday was my first Sunday without football although I did go and buy myself my every one football boots, shin guards, training cones and a bag for my boots. I have yet to try them out and I am itching to. I want to get real good before next season.

Last year at work we did a 10,000 step challenge where in teams of ten every one had to walk around the coast of New Zealand with the goal of walking a minimum of 10,000 steps every day. I came in half way through the challenge so I made it my goal to walk 20,000 steps every day. I have started that up again unofficially and this year (as individuals) we are walking around Ireland and North Ireland, starting in Dublin and heading South so for the past four weeks it has been all about the steps.

My general plan was to start with 10,000 steps a day and each week improve on my average or the average of whoever was leading the challenge which until the end of last week had been me but one of the girls went skiing on the weekend with a grand total of 163,000 odd steps (I am still dubious about her numbers) which has pushed my average from 17,000 steps a day to 23,400 steps a day and I am really not happy about it.

Plus I have been swimming every day this week. Monday and Tuesday were light days step wise due to other commitments but Wednesday and Thursday were massive. I spent all of Wednesday evening just walking around. I biked home from work, no one was home and there was no dinner, since I cooked the night before, I didn't much fancy cooking two nights in a row so I went for a 40 minute walk (about 4,000 steps) in the hopes that when I got home dinner would be started. When I got home Dave had only just put meat on to defrost so I went for another walk in the hopes that when I got back dinner would be ready (about 20 minues, 2,000 steps). Then after dinner, I took the dog out for about 50 minutes (5,000 steps). I feel I safer if I take the dog with me, it means I can go for a walk in the evening, I think the dog would protect me. It is not so great taking the dog for long walks though, it was good for a start, she wanted to run so the pace was reasonably fast but then she either got tired or bored or got that we weren't going to go any faster and then she just wanted to sniff EVERYTHING, then I got tired and I really had to pee, I wanted to get home and the dog wanted to sniff EVERYTHING. So I made it home with a whopping 29,000 steps for the entire day. Today is very low, I am too tired but I plan to go on a mission tomorrow.

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Blogger basketcase said...

You still arent managing every week I see...
Good to hear you are keeping things up though!! Must use this as motivation to get myself up and moving a bit more to start losing weight for dress shopping!!!

4:07 PM  

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