Image courtesy of Kea Photos.
Roller derby saved my soul or close enough. Roller derby came along during a low time in my life. Anyone who knows me would tell you that roller derby would be the worst activity for me, I am wildly un-coordinated, clumsy and I bruise like a peach but roller derby ticked all the boxes, it is fun, challenging, physical activity, something new and I have met so many cool people because of it. Roller derby became my happy place.
I remember watching a documentary about Pirate City Roller Derby way back in 2007 and thought it was the coolest thing ever then a workmate joined the league, I went to watch her graduation bout and there was no keeping me away. It was the coolest thing ever!
I joined freshmeat last July, 16 weeks of hard work - learning to skate, learning to fall, learning to stop, learning to hit, learning to take a hit and plenty of injuries - sprained fingers, pulled tendons, a few fat lips and plenty of bruises.
After 16 weeks we had our minimum skills test and our speed test (25 laps in 5 minutes) and were welcomed into Dunedin Derby in December. So, now I have my derby alter-ego, Nellie NailHer and this year we have been training with the big girls.
Derby makes me want to be a better person. I have been doing Tribe Fit at World Fitness Centre three mornings a week since the end of January. I am probably the fittest I have ever been in my life and I have lost 8 kgs.
May 11th was our graduation bout and it was amazing! It was one of the proudest moments of my life. I may not be the most coordinated or skilled skater but I am willing to stick at it and I am improving all the time.
Dunedin Derby for life!
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