One of my biggest childhood tragedies is that when I was about nine or ten I decided that I would play softball. I went along to one of the practices and one of the older girls took me under her wing and taught me how to bat and stuff and I remember I wasn't bad but the boys laughed at me, I went home and I never went back.
This week is the official start of my triathalon training. A couple of years ago, Kat, Liz and I did the the Blokefree Triathalon at MacAndrew Bay. I have decided that this summer I am going to do the whole series, I think there are three of them.
This week I have been quite active. It also helps that I have rebelled against public transport. As I have promised people that I won't bike to work in the snow or the frost I have been getting up at 6:30, checking the weather and deciding on my mode of transport from there. So on Monday, it was very frosty. I walked to work, it took me 25 minutes longer.
On Tuesday, I walked to work, went for a swim after work then walked home again.
On Wednesday, it was fine enough to bike to work. Because I had got up earlier to check the weather I started work at 7am. I went for a 4k run with Lori at lunchtime and biked home.
I walked to work on Thursday (I probably could have biked but better to be safe than sorry). Brett, Lori and I went running at lunchtime. I did my first non-stop 4k and shaved 1:47 off my previous time. I had worship team in the evening and walked home after that. I was exhausted.
I walked in on Friday, I was going to go for a swim after work but ended up having dinner with my workmate at his flat. Tradition American cuisine - medium well done cheese burgers, potatoes with sour cream and Pepsi. I was going to catch the bus home, Charles lives in North East Valley so we walked to the Gardens corner. It was 8:45, the timetable said that the Normanby bus left there at 8:15 and 9:15, my bus left the Octagon at 9:30 so I decided to walk to the Octagon, I ended up catching the Normanby bus on my way to the Octagon. Really!?! That took me to South Dunedin and I walked from there.
Yesterday I went for a 23k bike ride.
Today I biked to church. Football was a home game against Dunedin Tech. I was so prepared, I played bass at church this morning, I was wearing my football gear under my dress pants and jersey so as soon as the service finished I was ready to go.
I played the second half today. I am loving football. Today I was in the backs. The game was a draw 1-1. I am keeping up my tradition of one ball to the head each game. It was kind of funny actually, I think it was half fluke/half defensive, the ball hit me in the hand, carried on and hit me in the head. The other team kept yelling 'Hand ball, hand ball' and Gala yelled back 'it was defensive, it would have hit her in the head' and I yelled back, 'it did hit me in the head'. I found it amusing, actually I don't really know what the outcome of that was. I still don't really know how to play football but I love it.
I am trying to get a group of people together at work to start our own 10,000 step challenge like we did last year, put in an entry fee and have prizes for the best individual, best team, most improved, most consistent so I am going to dig out the pedometre and start counting my steps.
Labels: biking, football, sports, swimming, triathalon, walking