Monday, April 10, 2006


I went to a Singstar party on Saturday. It was Abby's birthday. Little did they know I had been practising with Tish on Friday cos I am totally Singstar, I am also living in a material world and I am a material girl. (Gross! I just dropped my apple on the keyboard, ewwwww!)

My family was up on Saturday night, we spent the day together on Sunday.

That is all. The end!

Friday, April 07, 2006

What am I spending my money on?

I had coffee with Anna-Kate yesterday. It was nice. We really don't see each other enough (Aaah the busy life of a grown up!). I was flicking through my budget the other night and back in August every second entry was, hot chocolate, fries and aioli, dinner at Tull, chai latte. What do I spend my money on now? It's just not right that I'm not spending a large portion of my money on coffee and food.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

This is the vision and it is my friend

I did 'Friends of the Vision' last night. It was alright. Before that I was just a casual acquaintance of the "vision", we were all like, 'Hey vision! Whassup?' 'Not much, just chillin'! 'That's cool!' Seriously, the vision talks like it's on a Budweiser ad. Now, we're friends, just like Bert and Ernie (I didn't know Bert smoked!?!) .

Nah, but seriously it was good. It was cool to just get that refresher look at the vision of our church and stuff. I should have done it ages ago.

PS. Somebody bought my fretless bass! It's probably for the best, I probably can't really afford it.

Music: Alanis Morissette - Head Over Feet (Album: Alanis Morissette - The Collection)

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Can you see my face? Yes, you can!!!

These are some photos from Soul Sessions. Yeah, I look like a rock star! It was fun, once the need to vomit passed and I could breath again. A few minor hiccups like my second number when the bass wasn't making any noise but I faked it (the actions, not the noise, although that would have been amusing.

Hopefully, I'll get to play again. I'm going to look at a fretless bass today maybe to buy.

Music: Alanis Morissette - 8 Easy Steps (Album: Alanis Morissette - The Collection)