Master of the Universe!

So, I haven't been able to log on to my blog in ages so the next few posts are gonna be random stuff from the past month or so. Well, I finally heard back from the third examiner of my dissertation and I passed! 90%!!! That's an A+, so the whole masters should round out to an A, I think.
OK, to recap: I handed in the final copy of my dissertation on March 10, it came back in May, the internal examiner had given it an A, the external examiner hadn't even given it a mark and basically ripped it to shreds so I had to do some more work on it. Resubmitted, it came back last month and while the external examiner had given it a mark this time, the two marks still weren't close enough to reach any decision so it went to a third examiner from inside the dept. There was a possibility of graduating in August but there was too much pressure for the third examiner to get it done within a week.
So I now graduate in December! Yay! Then I will be Sarah Anne Naylor (BA, DipGrad, MIndS), cool huh?