Washington State

Onwards with my US road trip, more things I would like to see and do in Washington State.
Here is a very beautiful picture of Mt. Baker in Washington State.
Washington State is another state that I am very excited about because I get to see my good friend, Emily. Who has been living in Seattle (although is or has moved recently but is still in Washington State). That's Emily in the bottom left of this photo. She's great!

Did you know that Washington DC isn't in Washington State? It is actually on the other side of the country. I only learned that a few months ago, I always thought Washington DC was the capital of Washington State but not so.
So a few things I would like to see and do in Washington State:
Seattle Space Needle - it's gotta be done.
OK, this one sounds crazy but I wanna go to a Hooters. Jenanscia from cycle 2 of America's Next Top Model worked at a Hooters in Seattle. Do you reckon they'd give me a t-shirt? I wanna sling some wings. :)

At 171 Lake Washington Boulevard is the house where Kurt Cobain lived and commited suicide. It's a little morbid but I just wanna walk past there.
Even though I'm somewhat against them, I have to go to Starbucks in Seattle. It's gotta be done, maybe just to mock them.
Pike Place Market - Emily said that she once saw an old lady get hit in the face with a flying fish. Poor old lady but funny! That's better than a slap in the face with a cold fish. Dumb joke :P
Emily was telling me how she drives across this floating bridge every day on her way to work. What's that all about? Gotta see that!
Does anyone know if that giant window from Grey's Anatomy exists and is it in Seattle? It's probably on a sound stage somewhere in Hollywood I guess.
Aberdeen, Washington is the hometown of Kurt Cobain. Andrew and I went to see the documentary 'About A Son' last year, it was brilliant. The movie is interviews with Kurt Cobain towards the end of his life, over top of videos and still frames from Aberdeen and Seattle. I just want to spend a day, walking around there, going where Kurt went, seeing what Kurt saw. Specifically, there is a muffler shop in Aberdeen that has a concrete statue of Kurt, the Young Street bridge which was the influence for Nirvana's song, Something In The Way and the sign into Aberdeen says 'Welcome to Aberdeen - Come As You Are'. Very cool!

I'd also like to visit some other towns with funny names - Shittum Gulch and Humptulips. Seriously!
And I would like to see Mt St Helens which is famous for being the US's most catastrophic volcanic eruption.
So that's it. If anyone has any other suggestions, I would be glad to her 'em.
Random - I would like to cross a state line in a Greyhound bus. I may buy a car to travel in so maybe from Washington to Oregon. Can I take a train through Canada to Washington state?
Labels: Aberdeen, Greyhound bus, Hooters, Kurt Cobain, Mt St Helens, Seattle, Starbucks, Washington state