Hello Blog! How ya been?
It's been a while since my last post, not too much has been happening.
Olivia was down for the weekend for her graduation which was a delight, I'm so proud of my little sister (both my sisters actually), she was so cute and excited about it. Here is a photo from the day which I took and am quite proud of really. This is the fifth grad ceremony I have been to, two were my own.
I swear Peter Broughton does the same speech every graduation and it makes me wonder why he still carries notes, surely he must know it by heart by now, I think I almost do. Apart from Olivia graduating I found the ceremony quite special because Mason Durie was awarded the honorary doctorate. I have studied a lot of his works during my time in education, Te Tumu and with Te Kahui Atawhai O Te Motu. Also Tania Smith was graduating and if she hadn't been in New York, Anna-Kate would have crossed the stage to get her PhD.
Work is going great. The past couple of weeks have been crazy as we just finished the last of two dummy runs for the ARCC changes. Last week was very busy as we had to push through payments for Northern and Midland, 11 hour days and a fair amount of stress. We finished Southern today and have Central to go, hopefully things will settle down after that and we won't be quite as rushed, I'm looking forward to getting into my own work within the next couple of days and maybe get to the bottom or very near the bottom of my intray.
Here's a cute photo I found of me and my workmate, Breanne at Fiona's 40th party on the weekend, Frank Sinatra and Marilyn Monroe.
Olivia was down for the weekend for her graduation which was a delight, I'm so proud of my little sister (both my sisters actually), she was so cute and excited about it. Here is a photo from the day which I took and am quite proud of really. This is the fifth grad ceremony I have been to, two were my own.

I swear Peter Broughton does the same speech every graduation and it makes me wonder why he still carries notes, surely he must know it by heart by now, I think I almost do. Apart from Olivia graduating I found the ceremony quite special because Mason Durie was awarded the honorary doctorate. I have studied a lot of his works during my time in education, Te Tumu and with Te Kahui Atawhai O Te Motu. Also Tania Smith was graduating and if she hadn't been in New York, Anna-Kate would have crossed the stage to get her PhD.
Work is going great. The past couple of weeks have been crazy as we just finished the last of two dummy runs for the ARCC changes. Last week was very busy as we had to push through payments for Northern and Midland, 11 hour days and a fair amount of stress. We finished Southern today and have Central to go, hopefully things will settle down after that and we won't be quite as rushed, I'm looking forward to getting into my own work within the next couple of days and maybe get to the bottom or very near the bottom of my intray.
Here's a cute photo I found of me and my workmate, Breanne at Fiona's 40th party on the weekend, Frank Sinatra and Marilyn Monroe.