Mo Money, Mo Problems!

Hi All,
I've joined a team of Mo Bros who are growing Mo's for Movember (the month formerly known as November). As a Mo Sista I'm helping raise funds and awareness because I'm passionate about getting guys to tackle their own health issues by being proactive in the fight against men's depression and prostate cancer.
To donate you can either:
1. Click this link
and donate online using your credit card
Don't forget my registration number - 2105586!
2. Write a cheque payable to 'Movember Donations Account',
referencing my Registration Number 2105586 and mailing it to:
PO Box 12 708
Wellington 6144
3. Or make a cash donation to myself.
Remember, all donations over $10 are tax deductible.
The money raised by Movember is used to raise awareness of men's health issues and donated to the Cancer Society of New Zealand and the Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand. These two charities will use the money raised to fund research and increase support networks for those affected with prostate cancer and experiencing depression.
Did you know:
Depression affects 1 in 10 men....Most people who experience depression make a full recovery. The first step is seeking help.
Last year in New Zealand 2,700 men were diagnosed with prostate cancer and more than 600 died of prostate cancer - (that's nearly two each day).
Thanks for your support!
More information is available at
Movember is proudly grown by Marmite, Schick and The Rock.
Movember is proud partners with The Cancer Society of New Zealand and
the Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand
Labels: mental health, Movember, prostate cancer