Well, it has been a few days since my last post but I haven't really had a lot to say.
I've just finished writing the first draft of my methodology which I should have done yesterday but I spent most of yesterday visiting my friend in hospital. When I did get to uni I wrote 500 words then I pressed a button and lost the lot, I decided that it had been a stupid day and I went home. It wasn't stupid spending time with my friend, just stupid that she had to be in hospital but she was waiting for the doctor to let her go home when I left. It's scary eh? I don't know what I would do if anything happened to her. I'm trying not to worry, God's got it under control.
I should really start on my next task but I'm too bored. Man, it's lonely in my office, I miss Ngahuia. She used to give me lollies.
I can hear the guys in the Te Whanake online office downstairs, they're playing guitar.
So, here are some random things that I am enjoying at the moment:
1. America's Next Top Model - I love this show! I really want to meet Tyra Banks, she seems like a really down to earth person. I want to be America's Next Top Model but apparently I'm too old, too fat, too short and too not American. I'm going to start my own programme - Un-America's Next Top Midget.
2. I love the fact that Mo (our cat) is sleeping in the box I put at the back door for her to sleep in, it took a lot of persuasion and my flatmates said there was no way she was ever going to sleep in there but she does. Na na na na na! :-p
3. Strawberries! My flatmates are going through a big strawberry phase, so good. We ate a whole pottle of strawberries driving through central Otago the other day.
Music: Johnny Cash - Rock Island Line (Album: Johnny Cash - In Concert)
4. I'm still in my Johnny Cash phase. It reminds me of Azucena and not-so-secret admirers.