Well, I'm at work. My laptop has been taken away to install Microsoft Office on it properly since I have been running a test drive, so I'm back to PC for the moment. I still haven't taught anyone how to make coffee which makes my week kinda long, not doing much else cos I'm waiting for other people, hence why I worked half an hour longer than usual yesterday.
Here's a fun thing which I pinched from Neill's live journal (http://pelliondance.livejournal.com/). So, take random song lyrics, in Google Language Tools, translate said lyrics from English to German, then translate them from German to French, then from French back to English, post them on your blog and see if your friends can work them out:
1) Everyone knows this one:
Over a hot summer evenin on a train for nowhere jumping, I met the player; we were both too tired to sleep. Thus, we were caught exceeded rotations starin the window with blackening with the trouble and started to him outside to speak.
He said, wire, Ive cultivated a life readin faces of people outside, and knowin that its charts were him besides, held its eyes. Thus, if you do not worry about my sayin, I can youre ate to see outside. For a taste your to give sick to Whiskies you some councils.
2) And this one, minus a few obvious lines:
feet in engagements of the loves, in Thy our voices hear, we meet us to ask, a god defend our free country. The Pacific of triple protection star, of the waves of the polemic and the war, it which forms praise which is heard remote
3) a personal favourite of mine:
is to him such as the rain is above a your marriage day him a free voyage, if you already did not pay it are with that the good advice which you precisely did not take that would' ve… thought, only represent yourself
my einsamkeit are to it killin me (and I) me must admit still believe (still to believe) if me with me are you, wants to say an understanding loses to me a sign to give, me strikes with baby another mark.
I recall, me when, I remember, when I remember, when I was there with my understanding something lost which is so pleasant on this phase. Your feelings even had so much an echo in the sector and if you are outside there without Obacht, Yeah were me of note it were however, not because I did not know enough me knew with much precisely cornais which moves me form cornait which moves me form cornait which probably moves me form